Friday, February 22, 2008

Blog 7 the screaming of the pig

It was a scary night everyone was scared of the beast. After Ralph saw the beast. Everyone was frightened. Then Jack said “I am sick of this nonsense and it going to end now”. Then Jack blew the conch when usually Ralph blows the conch Ralph said “what you are doing” he said “I blew the conch so I am in charge of this meeting” then Ralph went along with it. Jack had his presentation all planed out. The first thing he took care of was the beast he said we know there is a beast but we have to leave it alone, and keep it away from us. Then Ralph interrupted and said “what about the signal fire we have to keep that going or we have no hope of leaving this island it is like the beast is keeping us here on this island no where to go”. Then Jack said “enough about that, On to the next subject”. The boys were intrigued. Jack said “who wants to covert a new leader raise your hand” no one raised there hand except himself. He said “who ever wants to come with me can come, I am going to hunt and not to play any silly games with you Ralph”. Then he left in the forest. Ralph said “let us build a fire on the beach so we have some hope”. A rainstorm was coming in it was like the clouds were crying because Jack left the tribe. Then some kids sneaked off to catch up with Jack and join his tribe like Roger and Robert. Then People separated and went to do what they wanted to do. Simon went to his happy place in the jungle when no one was looking. Jack and his people were talking about the beast and serving it meat as if it was a god, and also Jack said that the people in his tribe are going to forget the beast because they are on the other side of the island were the beast would not bother them. Jack said “we have to feed the beast so we have to catch a pig”. They went hunting they found a pig, Roger threw his stick at the pig it hit the pig. It yelped but kept on running, they chased the pig, the pig lead Jack and his hunters to Simon happy place. Then they got the pig spilled out the gut on the rock everyone in there tribe was having fun. Simon was watching all of this it was awful. Suddenly Jack looked at pig and his hunter. The Hunters were about to eat the pig out of his hand then he realized how are we going to eat the pig we have no fire to eat it or cook it. Then Jack said that we will give the beast the head, and we will eat the pig with the other tribe because they have the fire. They created a plan to steal the fire. Then in the future they will have fire. It was a genus plan everyone went along with it a they left the pigs head on a stick.

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