Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blog 12Judge sampson

How do you make the court obey you?

Why do they have a Jury and also a judge?

Why do they have 9 justices for some court and a Jury for others?

Why do so many people commit crimes?

Why do you need a mallet if you can say Order in the Court?

How do you maintain order in the court?

How you maintain order in this court I the judge can say order in the court. When I say Order in the Court everyone in the court should be quite. For example if people were in the court and the defendant was yelling at the plaintiff then I could say Order in the Court. Then they both would stop and Go back to were they were.

How do you uphold or overrule objection?

How do I over rule a uphold. It is the same principle the person can be leading the witness. For example: While people are up there talking to the witnesses the as we might call cross exemption when you examine the witness. Then maybe the defendant would say that you are leading the witness. Then I would say ok.

How do you instruct the members of the jury before deliberation?

I would give them the instructions:

“Now that you have heard all of the evidence, it becomes my responsibility to instruct, or charge you, concerning the law that applies to this case. It is the Judge's duty to consider, determine and explain the rules of law that apply in a particular case. It is the Jury’s responsibility and duty to consider and determine the facts of the case, that is, what the Jury believes to be the true facts from among all of the evidence in the case. I have no right to tell you which facts are established by the testimony and any exhibits. You, and only you, are the judges of the facts. It is your duty as jurors to accept and follow the law as contained in these instructions, and to apply that law to the facts that you believe have been proved from all of the evidence in the case. Each instruction is as important as any other. You are not to single out one statement or instruction alone as stating the law and ignore the other instructions or parts of instructions. You are to consider and apply these instructions together as a whole and you are to regard each instruction in the light of all others. Any personal opinion which you, or any of you, may have as to facts not established by the evidence in this case cannot properly be considered by you as a basis for your verdict. As individuals you may believe that certain facts existed, but as jurors sworn to try this case and to render a true verdict on the law and the evidence, you can act only upon the evidence which has been properly introduced to you at this trial. You cannot speculate as to what may have happened in the absence of evidence on a given point. If you have any personal opinion as to what the law is, or ought to be, you must put that opinion aside and accept and apply the law as it is.” Those are the jury instruction but that is what the jury should know by now!

How do you deliver the final ruling?

You determined the final ruling by and deliver. After the jury deliberate amongst themselves. Then the jury would say we think the defenses are Guilty or innocent.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Blog 11 The End

It was a sunny day to blast a airplane down I think it was smoking like a fire. I turned my hip and looked threw the telescope I saw kids heaving a rock it was a ululation I pinched myself it was still there I turned the boat. I was cower because our ship was out of position and there were kids starting a fire. 40 Minutes later I got there I got out a kid was staring at me. I think he was visualizing that I was fake or I was his dad because I realized it was Ralph because his dad is my Boss. He was elaborating that I was not real then other kids came out they talked they all saw me then I said how many were killed and who is in charge. Then Ralph said 2 and He said he was in charge. Then I said you should be disappointed and put all on the ship.